Free application API key process

1. Account preparation

Open the official website iTick Website, click Get Now in the upper right corner

Log in with a Google account or Github account

2. Get APIKey

After logging in, visit iTick Console and click on the console to enter the console. View APIKey.
APIKey is a unique credential for each account to access the service. Please keep it properly and be careful not to lose it or share it with others, causing unnecessary losses. If the above situation occurs, please contact the staff in time.

3. Service Introduction

Currently, iTick supports REST service, webs socket subscription and FIX protocol, three ways of external services;
REST API: stocks (A shares, US stocks, Hong Kong stocks), foreign exchange, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, the latest quotes, market and K-lines of various periods of indices;
WebSocket API: real-time quote push for stocks (A shares, US stocks, Hong Kong stocks), foreign exchange, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, and indices;
Fix API: currently only open to institutional users;
You can choose different products and services based on actual conditions.